About OPEX

Values & Principles




By: Dave Stevens, President and Chief Executive Officer

“I look for three things in hiring people. The first is personal integrity, the second is intelligence, and the third is a high energy level. But, if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.”

–Warren Buffett

At the core of integrity is being whole and behaving in a unified way in one’s life. But integrity is more than just acting consistently. It is acting consistently with moral principles dictating your direction.

Early in the history of OPEX (before my Dad bought the company), there were people in key management roles who were chronic liars. My Dad said that lying was such a way of life with them that they would tell a lie even when the truth was better. After my dad bought the company, he made it clear that lying would not be tolerated. To this day, we practice truth telling as part of a culture of integrity.

Integrity is a lifelong endeavor of living and acting in a moral, upright way. I am reminded each day that there are people out there with cell phones. They are recording the images of the way we do life and conduct business. When we turn on the 5 o’clock news and see our image displayed in high definition, will we be pleased at how that image has defined us? I hope that they close the TV segment with the words, “He is a man of integrity.”

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By: Mark Stevens, Chief Operating Officer

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

— Winston Churchill

In today’s society we have lost the notion that we should always tell the complete truth. It seems good enough to most people if we simply do not lie. I submit that if we intentionally say something that we know will mislead people, then in essence we are lying. There is a big difference between telling the complete truth and saying something that is technically correct, but would be misleading if taken at face value.

At OPEX, it’s important that we model a culture of truth. There are times when it might seem expedient to mislead someone, but we must resist the temptation. Speaking the truth may in some cases hurt us in the short term, but in the long run it always leads to the best outcome.

Even if the truth costs us an order or causes us to have to make a special trip to see a dissatisfied customer, in the end we can all sleep well at night not worrying about whether we will be caught lying, because lying is not acceptable at OPEX. We simply don’t do business – or life – that way.

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By: Ashley Lamb, HR Administrator

“Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.“

— H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

We live in a culture that teaches us to “look out for number one” – ourselves – no matter what. But in the Stevens family, we have learned to do things in a much different way. It isn’t about whether we are receiving fair treatment, but whether we are giving it. Our faith that God is in control of all things really helps, especially when being fair is hard.

Something I’ve observed with our family is that being fair is an opportunity that you sometimes need to actively seek out. It is important to look at how our actions affect others: family, friends, co-workers, and customers. My family has always been very intentional about how they are affecting other people. Take, for example, how OPEX seeks to fairly provide adequate healthcare to its employees, regardless of their position in the company. Providing great healthcare is simply a matter of fairness, of doing what’s right.

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By: Al Stevens, Chairman of the Board

“Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.“

— 1 Corinthians 4:2

Stewardship is a principle taught in the Bible. A steward is a caretaker who has been entrusted by the owner to guard and invest what has been given through careful use of time, talent, and wisdom to improve its worth. A caretaker is accountable to the owner for the results that are produced. We are caretakers of everything that we have in life, including OPEX Corporation. This is an awesome responsibility when you consider all of the families that depend on OPEX for their livelihood.

We are also conscious of our need to be good stewards of the world God has given us. In April of 2012, we took a major step to become one of the largest commercial companies in New Jersey to meet all of our electrical power needs through the use of solar panels. The initial investment was significant, but it will result in savings that will last for several decades and benefit the environment.

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Organizational Flexibility

Organizational Flexibility

By: Jon Stevens, Director of OMATION

Be clear about your goal but be flexible about the process.

— Brian Tracy

Organizational flexibility is the ability to understand and manage change. I believe that change within OPEX can be structured within our culture, industry, and our employees. When I think of flexibility, I think of a rubber band. You can stretch and change the shape of a rubber band. You can pull a rubber band in all directions. However, if you pull it too far it breaks.

Looking back twenty years, I can think of many illustrations where OPEX has demonstrated its organizational flexibility. A few major examples stand out. In 2003, we were just getting our feet wet in the scanner market. We had a great idea to take a scanner and place it on top of our Rapid Extraction Desk. That was a tremendous success. Since then, we have changed the product numerous times to meet customer demands.

Probably the greatest example of organizational flexibility is our entry into the Warehouse Automation marketplace. I believe our rubber band is being stretched more than ever in this new product market. Yet, we have not reached the snapping point because even though we are being flexible, we are staying within the boundaries of our other corporate principles and values.


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By: Jen Hale, Stevens Family Member

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank-you. In between, the leader is a servant.

— Max de Pre

As I grew up I began working in OPEX’s HR department. One of my favorite tasks was to help plan company lunches that happened each month. As we would order the food and prepare for the lunch I was always amazed at how many people wanted to help. Whether it was picking up the food, going to the store to buy food if we were having a cookout, or setting up tables, there was never a shortage of help. It also struck me that we never had any problems finding managers to serve the food. Any time we would ask the answer was always “yes.”

Not only was this something that the managers loved to do, it sometimes was quite entertaining for all of us to watch! Some were better than others. However, their attitudes were always positive. It was humbling to watch and was yet another reminder of how thankful I was to work somewhere where managers loved to serve those who worked for them.

As I have grown up, moved away, and worked for other organizations, I have realized how essential this corporate value is. It forces all of us to look past our selfishness and serve those around us at work, in our community, and in our homes. If we cultivate the value of servanthood to those around us, normal people will do extraordinary things. I am thankful to have watched, and continue to watch, this trait grow at OPEX.

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Strong Work Ethic

Strong Work Ethic

By: Alex Stevens, President of Warehouse Automation

“Working hard becomes a habit, a serious kind of fun. You get self-satisfaction from pushing yourself to the limit, knowing that all the effort is going to pay off.”

— Mary Lou Retton


Throughout our lives and careers, most of us will have different jobs, roles, and responsibilities. When we work hard at whatever role we are in, our experiences will inevitably help us in the future. In an organization the size of OPEX, there are many interdependencies. Part of what motivates me (and others) to work hard at my job is knowing that in this organization we are dependent upon one another. If I work hard and do a good job then in a small way it allows other individuals in the organization to flourish and keep on doing their jobs.

We all have an active role to play in working hard, doing our best, and keeping the organization moving forward so that we can all continue to provide for our families.

Thomas Jefferson is often quoted as saying, “I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the luckier I get.” The basic concept behind this is that the harder we work, the more opportunities we open ourselves up to and more likely we are to be successful.

As an organization, I like to think that if all of us continue working hard, doing a great job at our specific function, then we will continue making great products, innovating, and creating more opportunities for ourselves in the future.

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People More Than Position

People More Than Position

By: Drew Stevens,VP, Global Business Development – Warehouse Automation

“We will never – and I mean never – turn our backs on our employees.“

— Howard Schultz, Starbucks

Many companies view their employees as assets that possess specific skills. Employees’ skills define their rank within the hierarchy of the organization.

Recognizing employees as human beings, and not as skill sets, promotes an egalitarian corporate culture that deemphasizes hierarchy and breaks down artificial barriers. Employees are able to connect with senior leadership at OPEX on a professional and personal level because they are valued as people, not defined by their position.

“People More Than Position” dictates how we treat others at OPEX. But it also reflects a personal attitude of how we view ourselves. If we believe that a professional title doesn’t make us superior to others, then we will naturally treat our fellow employees with respect.

“People More Than Position” has been a corporate value of OPEX since its founding. OPEX’s business practices model that value. Employees have open access to senior leaders in an environment that deemphasizes the importance of title. The culture of OPEX reinforces the focus on people.


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By: Kristen Miranda, Executive Support Coordinator

It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.

— Warren Buffett

Trust is something that we do on a regular basis without even recognizing it. As we sit in a chair, we trust that it will hold us up. When we walk into a building, we trust that the roof will not collapse on us. But trust is so much more than believing that things won’t let us down. Trust involves people.

Over the past few years of working at OPEX, I’ve seen how trust is woven through almost everything we do. In my position as Trade Show Coordinator, I have learned that I have to trust those around me to help me get my job done. I have to trust that Production is going to build the machines correctly, that Shipping is going to ship them to the correct location, that Service will show up to install the machines, and that Sales will be there to present the correct message to our customers and prospects. In an organization where teamwork is required, trust is essential.

But, trust goes two ways. Not only is it important to trust others, it’s important to be trustworthy. To me, being someone who people can trust is just as important as trusting other people.

As a family, we recognize that each employee places their trust in us. We know that you trust us for your livelihood. This is not something that we take lightly. When decisions are made about growth and expansion, one of the big considerations is: Will we be able to sustain this position if the growth does not continue at the current rate? One of the reasons we ask this is because each employee trusts OPEX to provide their next paycheck. We recognize that not only have you put your trust in us, but in many ways, you have put the well-being of your family in our trust. To our family, that’s important.

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Conduct all business in a fair and honest manner.

Conduct all business in a fair and honest manner.

Michael McLain, Regional Service Manager

“Conduct all business in a fair and honest manner” is first of the nine corporate principles, and rightly so, for it’s possibly the most crucial principle that any company can hope to adhere to.

We need to remember that without our customers, we have no business, so we must not try to “put one over on them,” as it were. This means being forthcoming about what you can and cannot do for your customers. Recognizing those boundaries and upholding them is essential.

Ideally, we should strive to make every customer feel like our only customer. Remember, our “business” is not just in our dealings with our customers, but it’s also our interactions within the company itself. When we are “fair” and “honest” with our coworkers (be it Tech Support, Management, or a fellow Field Technician) we only strengthen the foundation of the company and in turn ensure the stability and security of our own livelihoods.

So, when we think to “conduct all business in a fair and honest manner” we need to remember that it’s not just about fixing a piece of equipment when it’s down and not working: It’s everything we do; every piece of paperwork we fill out, every conversation we have, and every set of eyes that we make contact with.

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Listen and be responsive to customers’ needs.

Listen and be responsive to customers’ needs.

Lonnie Amico, Receptionist

To listen. What does that mean, to “listen” to someone? For me it is being focused and fully present to what is being said. You cannot be distracted and partially listening or thinking about something else as the person is speaking to you. A good listener isn’t thinking ahead of what kind of response he or she is going to give as the person is speaking; the good listener is simply listening to what is being said.

Often I am the first contact for a customer or prospect when they call in to OPEX. So it is very important to be pleasant and do my best to answer their questions.

If a customer has a personnel or product problem, I want to resolve the problem as soon as possible so that customer has another reason to remain loyal to OPEX. If a prospect calls, I want to make sure their experience with OPEX is favorable; and that starts with me. When we listen carefully and respond in a timely manner with answers to their needs, it increases the likelihood that they may become a customer.

There have been times when I have been asked a question from a customer that I cannot answer. When this happens, I let them know that I will connect them with someone I know can help them.

The non-negotiable for any receptionist – actually, for all of us – is simply this: “Listen and be responsive to the customer’s needs.”

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Recognize the value of the individual.

Recognize the value of the individual.

Vinay Shah, Engineering Supervisor – System Development Support

In a crisis, your family is your backbone and support system to rely on as you navigate through the rough waters. During difficult times, we realize how much our family and friends really mean to us. I am very fortunate to have two families: My blood-related family, and my OPEX family.

When my own family went through a crisis, my OPEX family was there for us the entire way. The Stevens family sent flowers to the hospital. My colleagues and superiors always made sure to ask how my wife was doing and if I needed anything. Despite their busy schedules and ownership status, Mark and Dave Stevens made sure to obtain regular updates about my wife’s condition.

This is not out of character for OPEX. This is a company that is dedicated to recognizing every individual and supporting them through thick and thin. It has been heartwarming to see how OPEX employees are willing to help others overcome tragic events that occur from time to time, such as the passing of loved ones, house fires, and family health crises. Whether it’s offering financial support, moral support, or flexible hours, OPEX is always there to help.

OPEX leadership excels at caring for their employees, and I am blessed to be a part of a great organization with great people.

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Maintain conservative financial management, which will dictate future growth.

Maintain conservative financial management, which will dictate future growth.

Melissa Rainho,  Assistant Controller

The premise of maintaining conservative financial management has never been more evident to me than it has in the past few years. Both personally and professionally, I’ve seen individuals and companies struggle because they were not acting as stewards of their finances.

Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve all witnessed global supply chain challenges and economic fallout. Maintaining conservative financial management not only helps you keep your head above water during difficult times, but it allows you to continue to grow and take advantage of opportunities available. I have no doubt this principle has helped us navigate the waters during this time.

It is important to remember that we are all stewards of the company’s finances. Our growth is dependent on the decisions we all make in our day-to-day roles. From purchasing supplies, to bringing in revenue, to being conservative while traveling, all these responsibilities have a direct impact on our future growth.

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Move ahead continually and deliberately to ensure the ongoing survival of the company.
Move ahead continually and deliberately to ensure the ongoing survival of the company.
Mike Sparango, Mechanical Engineering Supervisor

To look like “a deer in headlights” is a well-known American expression referring to someone who is stunned or at a loss for words when caught off-guard. Instead of reacting, they freeze up completely.

In a fast-paced business environment, we don’t ever want to get caught off-guard or fail to react to sudden shifts or changes. OPEX is committed to moving in a direction that makes sense for today’s environment as well as future business needs. Our employees handle today’s tasks, while at the same time recognizing that a rapidly changing market may require another set of skills for future assignments.

We believe you must move ahead continually and deliberately, or you are likely to fall behind and fail. We live this principle daily by continually reinvesting in products through more sophisticated engineering and manufacturing processes, customer-driven software enhancements, and well-defined work cell configurations for machine assembly.

For instance, in 2007, we entered the mixed-mail sorting market with an innovative product for high-density mail storage and sorting: The Mail Matrix® mail sorter. This mail sorter then gave birth to a product idea that might be one of the boldest moves in our history: What if, rather than delivering an envelope to a bin, you reversed direction and retrieved from a bin not an envelope, but a product? With this idea, the “Perfect Pick” was born, and our business deliberately surged ahead.

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Exercise freedom from tradition and convention if a better method can be devised.
Exercise freedom from tradition and convention if a better method can be devised.
Tanya Hamlin, Process Design Analyst

In over 45 years, OPEX Corporation has always exercised freedom from tradition and convention by devising better methods in all of our products and their revisions. It’s no different for OPEX’s production lines. We began a couple of years ago by using collaborative robots, which brought us into Industry 3.0. Recently, production started delving into Industry 4.0 by utilizing an IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) application called “Tulip.” Tulip provides data quickly, serving customer requests and meeting compliance requirements.

The data Tulip outputs helps our production departments build quicker and smarter while being able to broadcast results in real time. Even though it meant moving away from the traditional OPEX production line, moving our Sure Sort iBot line to an IIoT application has proven to be a better method. We’ve eliminated the need to extract data from our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system a month after assembly to determine our production quality and the “low hanging fruit” necessary for continuous improvement. Now, we can communicate items of concern quickly and effectively.

OPEX will always devise better methods to be world leaders in the industries we serve. We will also strive to bring that same tenacity to improving our production lines in the manufacturing world. We can’t wait to see what Industry 5.0 brings.

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Focus on business expansion only in related fields.
Focus on business expansion only in related fields.
George Muttathil, Mechanical Engineer

This principle has been carefully chosen by our founders to remind us that when we try to expand into new areas, we should not stray too far from what made us successful in the past.

On the surface, it may look like this principle contradicts what OPEX has done historically. OPEX started as a payment remittance processing company, then expanded into digital document scanning, then sorting, and then robotic warehousing. At first glance, this might seem like we’ve drifted “outside our lane;” however, the fact that OPEX has been very successful while expanding into each of these new areas suggests there’s more to it.

It is not typical for a company to enter a new market successfully. OPEX has managed to do it repeatedly with a very high degree of success. This isn’t an accident, and it didn’t happen overnight. This broad expansion of OPEX’s product portfolio has spanned many decades and has been a slow two-step process. First, OPEX finds ways to do things better than the competition, and then we apply what we’ve learned in other areas. Our commitment to this principle is what has ensured our success.

Although we try to “stay in our lane,” OPEX is constantly finding ways to make our lane wider while staying true to our focus.

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Minimize layers of management in order to maximize employee empowerment.
Minimize layers of management in order to maximize employee empowerment.
Jon (JP) Longshaw, Program Manager

The first time I heard Principle #8, I rather cynically thought, “OPEX has managers just like any other organization.” But over time, I realized that OPEX is truly unique in its structure and approach to management, resulting in some key differences that you won’t find at most companies.

The first is accessibility. It has been ingrained in the company’s philosophy since the beginning that employees have direct access to the owners and high-level management. The second is empowerment. Employees are given an opportunity to have direct involvement in the company’s decision-making process without needing to go through several layers of management.

Don’t get me wrong. OPEX does have a management structure in place. There needs to be a CEO, President, and so forth in order to operate properly. But the difference here is that the people below them are empowered to make decisions that will contribute to the success of the company. It is refreshing to work at a place where you have direct access to the top, ownership over decisions, and a vested stake in what you feel is best for the company.

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Eliminate the “it’s not my job” attitude.
Eliminate the “it’s not my job” attitude.
Winnie Chow, Director of Legal Affairs

This is a principle that I learned and have practiced since my childhood. As a young child living in Hong Kong, I vividly remember my mom always telling me that I not only have to do what is asked of me, but that I also need to do more than is asked to show that I truly understand what I’m doing and why. It’s quite possible that my mom told me this while I was doing my homework in a less-than-attentive manner!

Fast forward to today. Having worked in OPEX’s Legal Department for almost 20 years, I can tell you this principle is very much a part of my daily work life. While my core responsibility is to work on various types of legal transactions such as sales proposals, purchase agreements, or maintenance contracts, I also receive non-legal requests from our customers during the course of working with them.

For instance, I recently was stumped when a customer asked me how we package our scanners, what types of material we use, and whether the materials are recyclable. I had no idea, but I knew who would know the answer. I called one of my colleagues in Shipping and he explained the process and provided the packaging information, which I then forwarded to our customer.

Instead of just pushing these things off to someone else, I know that I am better able to complete a customer transaction because we lend a helping hand to each other. This in turn contributes to OPEX’s success, and helps me (and others) grow and learn in the process.

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Would you like to be part of the next wave of technology and work for a company that values its employees? We believe that by investing in our team, we can achieve great things together. If you’re interested in being a part of a dynamic and forward-thinking team, take a look at our current opportunities!